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Ceramic coating - pros and cons

Ceramic coating for a car protection. Let's take a closer look at all the pros and cons of this method of protecting the body from negative external influences. So, let's get started - first I will list the advantages of ceramics.

The first plus is the appearance.

After treatment with a ceramic composition, the car acquires a perfect glossy shine and a mirror effect. It's hard to take your eyes off this car. Difference between a freshly washed car and a car with nanoceramics applied is noticeable to the naked eye. The color of the car becomes deep and rich.

The second advantage is less pollution.

A car coated with ceramics needs washing less often Tintex.co.uk. The nanoceramic composition is hydrophobic, it repels water and contaminants contained in it from the surface. And dust does not linger on the body due to the smoothness of the hardened layer of nanoceramics.

The third plus is protection.

Ceramics will not protect against gravel like polyurethane, but due to it the surface becomes so smooth that small particles such as dust, midges and grass glide over the surface and the friction force is so low that no scratches or abrasions remain.

The fourth plus is the price.

The low cost of applying nanoceramics to a car makes it quite attractive to car enthusiasts.

The fifth plus is that parts are not dismantled.

Coating a car window tinting near me compounds does not imply dismantling the external parts of the car. This is only practiced when covering a car with anti-gravel film.

Now let's move on to the disadvantages of ceramic body coating.

The first disadvantage is the short service life.

The coating will last on the car for about a year. With proper care, the effect can last up to two years.

The second disadvantage is that proper care is required.

Despite the fact that a car coated with ceramics needs washing less often, it is still necessary to wash it periodically. For a longer service life, it is necessary to use special detergents, and order a three-phase washing service at car washes. Qualified specialists will clean up your car without damaging the coating. Not every car wash in Moscow is suitable for ceramic-coated cars.

The third disadvantage is protection.

Yes, this point was also a plus, I’ll explain why. A car coated with a layer of ceramics is still more protected than a car without ceramics, it is less likely to get dirty, and is not scratched by grains of sand and insects. But ceramics cannot protect against more serious scratches and chips, as anti-gravel film does.

In the end, what do we have? Coating car is better than no coating at all. A car under ceramics looks simply amazing, but this beauty is not durable if it is not properly cared for.

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